A Day to Celebrate Digital Learning

A Day to Celebrate Digital Learning image

We get it. These days it feels like every day is “digital learning day.” 

But today is actually Digital Learning Day (#DLDay), a day set aside for educators to share ideas, success stories and promising approaches to online learning with schools and communities. 

This year is the 10th anniversary of the celebration which was started by the Alliance for Excellent Education, an organization aimed at helping “every child to graduate prepared for postsecondary learning and success in life.”

A decade ago, digital learning was still in its infancy and filled with uncertainty. Teachers were competing for resources and unsure how to use technology to help achieve equity among students.

While there remains a digital divide in some classrooms and communities, organizers of Digital Learning Day have assembled a long list of successful programs across the United States “where students – at all grade levels – are gaining the valuable 21st century skills they need for college and career readiness.”

We agree with how the people behind #DLDay approach digital learning: “Whether learning happens at home, school, a library, or local coffee shop, it must be high-quality, customizable, and equitable for each and every student.”

If you’re a teacher, student, parent or just somebody who loves learning, we hope you’ll take a moment today to share your positive digital learning experiences or suggestions for how you think things could be improved. 

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