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Introducing the VIBES Newsletter!

We’re stoked to let the world know that we’re launching a newsletter aimed at helping you achieve success through JazzJune’s innovative social learning platform.

We’ve just sent out the inaugural edition, but don’t worry, you can always catch the VIBES! on the JazzJune Blog. Check this page for the links to the latest newsletters and of course, make sure you sign up for the next edition using the form on this page.

Recent TL;DR’s

Second Edition

Exclusive offer to have your courses made for you for only $499; announced the launch of our newest listing type “Downloads”; featured the JazzJune Community group; Vibe Checked about our CEO @aklondo being featured in tech news.

Third Edition

JazzJune is accepted into the Newchip Accelerator Program; introduced a new listing tier – 3 listings for $99; featured our simple, yet powerful course authoring tool; vibe checked a quote from Benjamin Franklin.

Previous VIBES

Click to view an edition below.